1.0 GENERAL Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority Advisory Circulars from Aerodrome Standards Department contain information about standards, practices and procedures that the Authority has found to be an Acceptable Means of Compliance (AMC) with the associated Regulations. An AMC is not intended to be the only means of compliance with a regulation, and consideration will be given to other methods of compliance that may be presented to the Authority. 2.0 PURPOSE This Advisory Circular provides methods, acceptable to the Authority, for showing compliance with the Guidance Materials for Coordination with Land Use Authorities for Obstacle Control requirements of Nig. CARs Part 12 as well as explanatory and interpretative material to assist in showing compliance. 3.0 REFERENCE The Advisory Circular relates specifically to Nig. CARs Part 12.1.7 4.0 STATUS OF THIS AC This is the first AC to be issued on this subject.